Official website
Videos - Magnum
Birmingham Odeon 1984 - previously unseen footage featuring Laurence Archer and Kex Gorin (backing vocals - Mo Birch / Jaki Graham)
ECT, Channel 4 TV April 1985 (with Jim Simpson)
Dinkelsbuhl Festival July 1986
Vigilante - The Tube video 1987
Mark and Bob interview - Power Hour 1989
When the World Comes Down - Wembley 1991 (Great British Music Weekend)
Interview - Get Ready to Rock 2011
Bob and Mark interview - RocknLive 2012
Just Like an Arrow - live TV appearance 1985 (Jim Simpson on drums)
ECT, Channel 4 June 1985 (first TV appearance with Micky Barker)
When The World Comes Down (promo video, Vigilante tour 1986)
Wings of Heaven - Live (Hammermsith 1988, full concert)
Rockin Chair - Top Of The Pops 1990
Vigilante - Sweden Rock 2005 (Jimmy Copley on drums)
Interview with Mark - Metal Trails 2011
Vigilante - Rock Hard Festival, Germany 2012
Mark talks about "Sacred Blood Divine Lies" album and tour 2016 (+ keyboard intro)